Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Secret Weapon

Sorry guys... It's been quite a while since I've posted, but in my defense life's been a little crazier than usual lately! I'm running for Sophomore Student Council and it's kind of taken over my life! (Just Do It... Vote for Reagan! I know. Overdone.  But my creativity does not extend to campaign slogans, unfortunately.)  But I have a treat for you today... I'm guessing that most of you shoe-lovers have already discovered this, but Alexis (a fellow shopaholic) hadn't! So I supposed I'd share this with all of you...
DSW. Designer Shoe Warehouse.  AKA Paradise.

No really! It's cheap (compared to some) and chock full of FABULOUS sandals, sneakers, heels, flats, even rainboots! Not kidding.  Found a DARLING pair of royal blue patent-ish snowboots that I begged for, but unfortunately did not receive. Anyways y'all really and truly need to check it out.  Here are a few samples I handpicked...

No words. 

Metallic gold toes? Yes please!

I tried these on in the store in the gold glitter color: to die for!!

So usually I'm not a big fan of cheetah print on anything other than regular ballet flats, but my friend bought these and they are honestly some of the cutest shoes I've seen on.

Yup. Go to  And you'll never have to look anywhere else for shoes ever again... And keep in mind that these are just a teeny selection out of their thousands of shoes, so if you don't like what I've posted here, look it up for yourself! There's really something for every shoe-addict.

Love, Reagan

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